defi - Decentralized Finance
i18n - Internationalization
Code is available at
To install on a node
yarn add defi18n // or npm i defi18n
// require the strings according to your locale
const locale = 'en' // there's 'en', 'es', 'fr, and 'id'
const messages = require(`defi18n/${locale}/general.json`)
Or copy what you need from the en
, es
, fr
, and id
folders (more to come I hope!)
Use your favorite i18n tool to manage the translation strings.
Currently there’s English, Spanish, French, and Indonesian files for:
While defi18n will never rival a professional translation service, my hope is it can provide a good enough starting point for small teams and solo devs.
Submit PRs if you can translate one of the files to a different language, or can add a new category.
This project is licensed under the Creative Commons CC0 License, which is about as permissive as you can get.
Created by Mariano Conti @nanexcool